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Digital Collage

The Digital Collage is a fun and collaborative half-day workshop with a similar educational method as the Climate Fresk. The workshop also aims to lay down the key solutions to build a more sustainable digital sector. It then encourages participants to discuss on the topic for fruitful debate.


This workshop is a real team-building tool, allowing participants to come together and discover how to achieve sustainability in the digital sector. It is primarily intended to be carried out in-person, but an online version is also available.

How does a Digital Collage Workshop unfold?

Part 1


The participants, gathered in teams of 4 to 8 people per table, identify and draw links between the cards of the game to build a real “Collage”.





Part 2 


Participants illustrate their interpretation, learn key messages, then choose a title. This phase helps to embrace the content and creates a team spirit.




Part 3

Debrief / Review

Each team presents their Collage, chosen title, key messages and decoration to the others and the facilitator provides feedback and a recap of the key messages.




Part 4

The participants discover the action cards, and discuss amongst themselves the ones that are most relevant to retain.






Book a Spot

Climate Access organizes public workshops for individuals.

If you have the possibility, we recommend you participate in-person.

Within your company or public organization, we can support to organize an in-house workshop under certain conditions, and several modalities are possible. 

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